
Rational use of pesticides and precautions

Rational use of pesticides should be safe, effective, economical , namely pesticides in mastering performance , based on the scientific use , give full play to its efficacy, it is both effective insect pest control , but also ensure to livestock , crops and other beneficial organisms security . Rational use of pesticides , should pay attention to grasp the following principles :

1 , the right medicine , a clear control object . Select pesticides , to clarify the physiological mechanism of control object characteristics and hazards , as well as varieties of crops , such as reproductive period , field varied kinds of pests that occur every kind of different agents reactions are different, even the same different types of populations are very different . After the control object in the clear , and then select the appropriate pesticides . For example , control borer , available Bataan , pyrantel pamoate , furosemide feeding Dan .

2 , improve pest surveys , grasp the key period of bottle sprayer spraying. Carefully before applying for pest surveys , master control period , the best control during spraying. Otherwise spraying prematurely , efficacy period does not coincide with pest control , would not achieve the role of damage control . Spraying late effect is poor, not only would not achieve the control effect and cause pesticide waste. Therefore , spraying should take a good "heat ", select pests weaknesses or sensitive period of pesticides , insecticides should have in general to 3rd instar larvae hatching before fungicides currently in use , mostly to protect nature, the treatment less effective. Therefore, disease prevention and control , should be before the onset or early onset of drug use, if you wait until then hand sprayers spraying disease has been popular , it is difficult to achieve good control effect.

3, can not arbitrarily increase the dosage or an increase in drug concentration . Many farmers mistakenly believe that increasing the dosage or an increase in drug concentration control efficiency will increase , therefore, does not follow the instructions above to increase the dosage requirement is widespread . In addition, farmers in the dispensary is not measuring, only random amount of the cap , the lack of numerical concepts , resulting in greatly excessive use of drugs , do not only wasteful , but also prone to injury. Environment has been seriously polluted , endangering human and animal safety .

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