
Green banana fertilization

( 1 ) banana fertilization

According to foreign studies , fragrant banana tooth needs a year per plant nitrogen 150.5 g , 40.7 g of phosphorus , potassium and 561 g . But plants can only absorb part of fertilizer , including nitrogen fertilizer accounted for 50% ( also called only 1/ 4 ) , potassium fertilizer accounted for 50% of the amount of phosphorus fertilizer accounted for only 20% to 30% , that is, application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash fertilizer , 50% to 80% loss of soil or fixed . Therefore, the amount of fertilizer should include plant uptake and loss or the total fixed two .portable power sprayer But to determine a reasonable amount of fertilizer in the Garden , have to consider the local climatic conditions. The garden soil structure and fertility , and water supply conditions, production targets ( ie, yield per unit area , single or multi -made made ​​banana banana cultivation, newly planted or ratoon ) , planting density , species type , management level and other factors. For example, Hainan , Guangxi applied less points than fertilizer, soil potassium to be more potassium , to yield high-quality fertilizer than the average production levels must be high , hit the hole deep application is less than the applicator , and so on. The Pearl River Delta in Guangdong banana plantations . Production to reach 30,000 to 45,000 kg per hectare ( yield from 2000 to 3000 kg ) , the required amount of fertilizer per plant year 518 ~ 823 grams of nitrogen , phosphorus and 186 ~ 297 g , 750 to 1185 g of potassium .

In order to make scientific and rational fertilization , that not only meet the needs of growth and development of banana production goals and requirements, but also without much waste of fertilizer applied , it is best for banana leaf nutrient analysis and soil nutrient analysis, based on the analysis guidance fertilization, its lack of capacity how much less a reasonable supplement part .

( 2 ) the ratio of the three fertilising elements bananas

Fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of different factors will affect the banana of nitrogen, phosphorus , potassium uptake and growth . The authors Guangdong, Guangxi , Fujian, Taiwan and other provinces in recent years, bananas Fertilization experience, that to get good results fertilization , nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium ratio of the three elements of the range should be 1:0.2 to 0.5:1.1 to 2.0 To determine bananas nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium reasonable proportion of the three elements , but also do the following two points:

① must be in accordance with the garden soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content , especially potassium content varies , nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio ; soil is very rich in potassium ( exchangeable potassium reached more than 0.06% ) should be of a : 0.3 : 0.5 , potassium- rich ( exchangeable K 0.025% ~ 0.059% ) should be as 1:0.3:1 , potassium medium ( exchangeable K 0.015% ~ 0.0249% ) should be 1:0.3 : 1.1 ~ 1.3 , low potassium ( exchangeable potassium 0.0075% ~ 0.0149% ) should be as 1:0.3:1.4 ~ 1.7 , low potassium ( exchangeable potassium only 0.0075% or less) should be l: 0.3:1.8 ~ 2.0.

② must be based on bananas in different growth stages may be. Africa and Guinea , according to results of the analysis requested early bud nitrogen and potassium ratio is 1:1.35 to 1.6 , water sprayer compared with late bud 1:1.5 ~ 1.7 , exceeds or falls below the proportion of adverse banana growth and development.

